Phillips Zoom Whitening – Canberra City

Phillips Zoom Whitening – Canberra City

Do you want whiter teeth? Hobart Place Dental is an authorised provider of Phillipa Zoom whitening in Canberra City (Civic). Zoom is a professional-grade treatment that must be applied by a trained dentist in Canberra. Zoom is manufactured by Phillip Limited.

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening involves whitening a patient’s teeth using a scientifically formulated bleaching agent.

What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening usually increases a patient’s self-confidence. Many people with stained or discoloured teeth are self-conscious and reluctant to smile.

Are teeth whitening safe?

Teeth whitening is considered safe if administered by a trained dentist in Canberra. The dentists at Hobart Place Dental have been trained to use the Zoom products in Canberra. A small number of people experience teeth and gum sensitivity during and after teeth whitening (a post-treatment gel usually helps here).

How are teeth whitening applied?

Zoom teeth whitening is applied in two ways at our Canberra City clinic. Patients can opt for the in-clinic method, which involves treatment by one of our dentists. Alternatively, patients can opt for the take-home kit; however, a dental consultation is still required to take the impressions to make personalised trays.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

Some patients experience teeth and gum sensitivity, which is nullified by a post-treatment gel.

How much whiter will teeth whitening make my teeth?

There is no standard answer; however, your teeth will become whiter. Results depend on the extent of the staining and discoloration, the number of treatments, and subsequent lifestyle choices.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Teeth whitening can last from six months up to two years – Lifestyle factors, such as smoking and consuming foods and beverages that stain the teeth, may reduce the longevity of the treatment. Heavy consumers of coffee, tea, wine, and/or soft drink will see inferior long-term results.

How long does it take to see results?

In-clinic teeth whitening at our Canberra City clinic can sometimes produce tangible results within 90 minutes (single session).  A take-home kit requires more time (usually 5 to 14 days).

Does teeth whitening work on crowns and veneers?

No, it doesn’t. Teeth whitening works only on tooth enamel. However, teeth whitening can sometimes remove stains from crowns and veneers.

Is tooth whitening suitable for everyone?

No, it isn’t. Teeth whitening isn’t suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers. If you have gum disease or another medical condition, our dentists may decline to provide teeth whitening at our Canberra clinic.